10 ways to increase your brand awareness

Lyndon Evershed
Written by
Lyndon Evershed
25 April 2018

Your brand is one of the key elements to building a recognisable and relatable business that will stand out in your market. Brand awareness is a crucial element of marketing, to the extent to which the brand is recognised by potential and returning customers. However, being recognised and standing out in heavily saturated markets can sometimes be tricky… So, here are our top ten tips on increasing your brand awareness!

  1. Freebies: Everyone loves something more when it’s free right? By putting your brands name on products that are relatable to your brand you’re generating exposure and people will start recognising your brands name.


  1. Sponsor events: Start sponsoring events that your potential customers are going to be attending! For example, if you are a dog food brand then you can look to sponsor dog shows either locally or nationally depending on your budget. Linking back to point number one, why don’t you design some promotional products to hand out at events that you’ve sponsored?


  1. Competitions: Why not run a social media competition where users have to repost or tag friends? That way your brands name will be shared amongst their community to potential customers for free! You could offer a bundle of branded products as your prize for an added branding bonus!


  1. Remarketing Campaigns: Publish adverts to people that have already visited your website, you know that they are interested in your brand as they have already visited your website. An advert about your brand might give them the reminder they need to pursue the purchase.


  1. Influencer marketing: The world of influencers is growing day by day and they are a great marketing tool. By selecting influencers that meet your brands demographic, you’ll have more chance of their audience relating to the promotion. Why not send influencers some branded products?


  1. Press release: If you have news, share it! Try and shout about new products or promotions, if it’s big enough, other news sources might catch on and talk about it too.


  1. Facebook advertising: With social media sites such as Facebook changing their algorithms to make it harder for business posts to be seen, it is important to invest in Facebook adverts for content to be recognised. The more you invest, the more you should get back.


  1. Ask questions: People love to answer questions or to feel a part of something, why not create some polls on twitter for people to get involved in? If people are passionate about the subject, they might retweet it and start conversations in their social media community.


  1. Limited edition: Design a one off promotional product that is exclusive to customers for a limited time only. If the product is valued by potential customers, they are more likely to interact with your brand and recognise it in the future!


  1. Promotional items: The one thing that keeps cropping up in this blog is promotional products! Designing a product that is valued by potential and current customers in an effort to promote your brand. So think carefully about what you would like to brand and head over to the products page on our website if you need a little inspiration!


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