How to Turn Employees Into Your Best Brand Ambassadors

Lyndon Evershed
Written by
Lyndon Evershed
30 March 2017

Promoting Your Brand

People respond to visual messages even more than written ones. It’s why your company has a logo and a colour-scheme: to stand out and to be recognised. Your marketing focuses on the best images as well as strong messages and you have a well-stocked range of branded items  to promote your business at conferences, meetings and customer gatherings. With a busy and organised events calendar, you have every opportunity covered.

Don’t Ignore Important Assets

So, external promotion is critical and brand awareness is a big focus for all savvy companies. But are you creating this awareness internally, as well? The staff know your logo, of course, and maybe your list of admirable corporate values, but do they think these matter, or are they just words? Get your employees invested in your message, and they’re more likely to spread that message for you. Maybe keep the top branded merchandise for VIP customers, but don’t leave staff out.

The Value of Visibility

Getting employees truly invested in you brand isn’t just about unlocking the marketing cupboard and handing out some swag. If you have the time and resources, running a company values workshop is an effective idea – for any size company. Take the time to explain your ethos to staff, ask for their feedback and make them feel involved. Adding in some merchandise to take away just cements that feeling of being valued. The value you’ll get from them using the goods is an extra bonus.

Tap Into Trends

Some trends will always capture people’s interest and you just need to make sure you update your branded offerings. Areas such as fitness, wellbeing, sports and technology are always winners. Include items like wearable fitness trackers in your pool of branded merchandise for staff and they’ll be snapped up. Better still, you can guarantee they’ll be shown off by their wearers.

Smartphones are ever-present in people’s lives and we do more and more with and from them. Other gadgets that make an impact include Bluetooth speakers, a great item to get employee attention, combining impressive and useful tech with a novelty element – so small! so useful! that will get people talking, and showing them off.

Powerbanks, USBs and travel adaptors also score well for being useful – the more often they’re used, the more your brand is seen.

Cheering On The Team

A great way to get employee engagement is to support company initiatives, or create them.

Are employees planning any charity events? Running 10k as a team, raising money for a good cause? Sponsor the group, help them promote the event, and have them promote you – and your brand. From simple things like branded sports bottles back to our top trend, wearables, you invest in their efforts and they’ll give you visibility at their event.

Use any event footage or pictures as PR, showing happy staff, caring employers and your brand logo, all in one.

Sharing In Success

Had a good year? Or quarter? Or month? Celebrating an important corporate milestone or anniversary. These are great opportunities to get simple, yet visible branded items out there. A novelty element can go down well, too: cupcakes with your logo and a Thank You message, perhaps. Pens, bags, shirts are all good, too. Maybe add the date and occasion to your basic branding for a special touch.

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Give employees something practical and they’ll keep – and wear or display – these things for years to come. Think about it, what do you still have and use from long-ago jobs? A tote bag carried on their Tube commute gets you a surprising amount of visibility, as does that T-shirt or sports kitbag at Parkruns or gyms across the country.

Start Here, Start Now

Limelight offer over 1 million products in the UK alone, available for branding in any language – just give us a call.  If what you want isn’t on the website don’t panic.  Our world source team has access to almost anything you could wish for.

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