7 Steps to Successful Exhibitions

Lyndon Evershed
Written by
Lyndon Evershed
3 February 2017

Exhibitions are a fantastic way to meet your target audience. Are you busy preparing for your next marketing conference or exhibition? Here are some great tips to make sure things go smoothly.
1. Be prepared

There are simply so many variables when it comes to events, especially if you’re not the organiser. Make an exhaustive checklist and be clear on what’s being delivered and when, how to get to the event, what the setup and closedown arrangements are.

2. Who? What? Where?

Think about who else you need to attend the event. Do you need Salespeople to deliver demos and answer questions, or even someone more Technical? Have you pencilled in someone senior to deliver a keynote talk, or host a reception on the stand? Perhaps you just need another colleague along so there’s always cover when one of you needs a break. Make sure you’ve let everyone know where they need to be and when, really pin them down and then keep up the reminders.

3. Advertise Your Attendance

Everything’s booked, your colleagues are onboard with the rota, now don’t forget to spread the word to attendees. Social Media’s a great way to get the message out and build some excitement and momentum. Running a series of countdown posts lets people know you’ll be there and reminds them to attend at the same time. Posting live from the event itself can also be a great way of getting visitors to your stand.

4. Show & Tell

Let people know you’re there. Whether the event is large or small, maximise your chances of standing out and being noticed. Don’t crowd your stand with products, but make sure those you display are clearly branded and attract attention. Limelight offer over 1 million products in the UK alone, available for branding in any language. Need to get a stand set up? We can help with that, too (just give us a call).

5. Know Why You’re There

It might sound obvious, but do you know why you’re at this event? Who are you trying to attract? What are your objectives? 10 sign-ups, 5 qualified leads, brand awareness? You’d be surprised how many companies stick to the same annual conference schedule without really considering if it’s still relevant for them. Events are just one element of your Marketing activity, but they can use up a lot of budget: make sure you’re sure it’s worthwhile.

6. Personality Goes a Long Way

It’s not all about promotional items, don’t forget it’s people who sell your products or services, too. Relax, smile (not so easy on Day 3 when your feet hurt and you’re all talked out) and be your brand. Appear interested, but not over-eager, and just get a conversation going. Ask questions, find answers and send them off with a great giveaway – that little visual reminder that keeps you always in the frame.

7. The Power of Listening

Now you’ve got them talking, ask open questions, note their responses – and their needs. Do listen to them. Never say ‘I don’t know’. If you don’t someone else in your company will, and you can find out. It’s always OK to pass a prospect on to a colleague who is better placed to help and inform.

What does your 2017 event schedule look like?  If you want to make sure that your promotional merchandise for your next event helps your brand stand out, please get in touch with our team of experts.

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