Employee engagement tips for recruitment and onboarding

Lyndon Evershed
Written by
Lyndon Evershed
15 January 2022

Recruitment and onboarding new staff

What are you doing to recruit and welcome great talent?

We are in a new decade for recruitment and recovering from a pandemic and economy challenges. We have new generations entering the workplace, as Gen Z hit the market. People are living longer. Diversity and inclusion are key, exposing richer, wider talent pools.

UK HR Professionals are gearing up for a new war on talent with research finding that:

As the saying goes ‘You never have a second chance to make a first impression’. This is particularly true for organisation’s looking to attract the best talent. And this is more than just about the recruitment process. Welcoming new employees into your organisation is particularly important.

HR leaders can have a positive impact on recruitment and onboarding process change, from role requirement changes to incorporate additional digital skills for hybrid working, to training and assessments online. The new normal is digital and many of your new recruits will be used to using technology daily.

When onboarding and running induction programmes, considerations will need to be given to whether the new employees are working on premises or elsewhere. Ensuring that those important first impressions and connections are made with managers and co-workers will be a priority to ensure the team connect for ongoing collaboration, productivity and innovation.

In a study by Glassdoor, they found that great employee onboarding can improve team retention by 82% and increase productivity by up to 70%.

As well as the usual onboarding sessions to bring new employees up to speed on company culture, values and purpose as well there will be a need for knowledge sharing and skills training. Using branded products as a reward for completing stages of onboarding and training will ensure the learning is retained and there are reminders to hand. New recruits will be eager to advance through these stages to start contributing to a company that has invested in their new career.


Are you engaging enough?

Find out and take the test!

Limelight’s Employee Engagement Assessment has been designed to show HR professionals their blind spots and provide instant, actionable steps on how to improve your employee engagement.


Six recommendations

Be flexible with the hiring process and acknowledge how the pandemic is affecting candidates as well as your organisation

It’s difficult to attract talent and showcase what makes your organisation unique, from the working environment, facilities, atmosphere and their new work mates. You’ll need to understand candidates’ tolerance for onsite interviews, with many opting for remote interviews web-based, even during the final interview processes.

Consider how you can make these an experience and engaging. Look at ways to subtly reinforce your values. Eco friendly branded merchandise and recruitment packs sent to candidates can deliver great impact and deliver key messages – even contracts!

Incorporate culture into your hiring process 

Candidates make assessments and develop opinions about an organisation from the moment they first interact with you – right the way through until they leave. Understanding which moments have the most impact during this journey is vital.

With so many potential workplaces available, your company values will ultimately help top people choose their next long-term job. If you’re looking to catch the eye of the best talent out there, investigate bringing your values to light by sending company merchandise early in the hiring process.

Make the recruitment process more human 

With high competition in the job market (for top talent), make sure your hiring process is a humanised one that’s differentiated from other companies and competitors. Consider candidates being sent personalised and friendly messages after sending in their application.

Make the process enjoyable too. Provide candidates with access to any resources they might need during the hiring process. These could include employee handbooks, videos, and other tools – such as an existing member of staff, that introduce a potential hire to the company, its values, leadership style and culture.

Build a brand for recruitment 

More than ever, the experience inside your organisation is visible to those outside your organisation. Sites such as Glassdoor, LinkedIn and other social media or alumni networks give your people the freedom, power and medium to share their views and experiences. Get it wrong, and you’ll struggle to compete for quality talent, but get it right, and your employees will do your employer marketing for you.

Welcome packs and onboarding kits are great for integrating new starters or attracting talent whilst promoting your brand in the marketplace. Celebrate your culture and use swag as a great way for employees to champion your brand.

Adapt your onboarding process to accommodate remote, or virtual starters 

It is important that HR teams review and adapt their processes accordingly so new starters can feel included both when on premises and away from the office.

To help make up for the fact that some new employees won’t be in the office, focus on helping them feel informed and connected. They should feel immediately part of the team during onboarding and orientation. A “welcome” message from the CEO, other leaders or their new teammates is one example of how you can make new hires feel important, alongside sending office equipment and company merchandise to get them ready in advance for day one.

Communicate COVID safety measures and new office protocols in an engaging way

A clear and transparent plan for returning to the office is vital to ensure employees are confident that their employer is treating their health and safety with the upmost importance.

To ensure your people remain safe whilst working from your premises, use something tangible as a method of communicating and engaging effectively, whilst equipping your people with products to keep them and others safe from infection. Consider sending staff essential PPE packs, important guidelines and a welcome back message to encourage their safe return.


We can help!

Limelight can create bespoke Welcome or New Starter packs for onboarding new talent or bringing back remote staff, contractors or others that have had a prolonged time away to the office. We can work with you to source, brand and dispatch any staff pack you need to across the globe – location has become irrelevant.

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