7 great reasons why promotional products still work

Lyndon Evershed
Written by
Lyndon Evershed
5 December 2016

With more and more businesses focusing their marketing efforts on digital marketing, is there still room for traditional marketing practices such as the use of promotional products. Well as the old saying goes “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” and this is perfectly true for promotional products. Below we look at 7 reasons why promotional products work and how they can help your business win more customers.

1.  Build lasting awareness

Did you know that 87% of people who received a promotional product kept the item for over a year? And that over 50% said their perception of a company improved after receiving a branded promotional gift from them? Promotional products are a great way for your business to build lasting brand awareness and to get your company name in front of more potential customers.

2.  Gain valuable advertising space

Look around at your workplace and see how many promotional products you can spot. From the promotional pen you got from your bank that’s sat on your desk to the branded coffee mugs in your tea room, promotional products are all around us and are prominently placed in the workplace. Think of the money you would need to spend to reach people for 8 hours a day with your advertising and it is easy to see why promotional products are such a great marketing tool.

3.  Take advantage of perceived value

By buying in bulk at wholesale prices you can make your promotional gifts seem more valuable than they are. For instance a gift that cost you £5 could be perceived to be worth £15 to £20 by the recipient of the gift as they are basing the value on a single unit cost. If you can offer something that has a high perceived value it will help improve the impression of your business with the recipients.

4.  Incentivise employees

Promotional items aren’t just for helping you to capture more business they are also a great tool for incentivising your employees. Your sales floor is a clear example of an environment where incentives can work well to motivate employees and help drive performance. Creating an awards program that meets your corporate objectives is another great way or motivating staff and using promotional products as rewards.

 5.  Promotional items work better than discounts

Having a branded item to give away can work even better than offering a product discount as it will seem like your customers are getting a great deal. Some classic examples include glass and bottle openers that are given away with cases of beer rather than offering a discount. The promotional item helps to boost sales and offers greater profit margins than providing a discount.

6.  Your customers become your marketers

Promotional gifts help to turn your customers into your very own marketing team. Not only will they keep the gifts on display in their workplace or home but they will also talk about great gifts they have received with friends and colleagues helping to spread the word about your business. If your customers use your promotional items everyday they will be acting as your own mobile advertising board.

7.  Cost effective form of advertising

With a higher ROI than radio, billboard and TV advertising, promotional products represent a very cost effective form of advertising for businesses looking to build brand awareness and get new customers. Another advantage is an increase in returning business from customers who are exposed to your promotional products on a regular basis.

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