Two Of The Most Used Promotional Products

Lyndon Evershed
Written by
Lyndon Evershed
26 September 2018

When it comes to promotional gifts, the possibilities are endless. A wise man once said “variety is the spice of life” and variety is certainly something we can offer, however, there are some promotional staples that simply can’t be ignored. Gone are the days when marketing budgets allowed you to indulge and experiment, instead things need to be carefully considered and most of all – useful! If you’re sitting in an office right now take a moment to look around you, how many things are branded? Are they on show? Full of coffee? Thought so.


Whether we like it or not, we live in a digital age. For every device we own, there are so many intelligent and useful gadgets that can prove a great accessory (and an even better marketing gift!) USB’s are a great option for both employees and clients, extra storage space will always be welcomed. View USB’s here

Portable charging has become something we can’t ignore – power banks are compact, easy to use and incredibly handy to have on your person. The verdict? Everyone on the globe with a smartphone needs to own one. When it comes to design, we’ve hand-picked a collection full of all shapes and sizes. Become a talking point with a built-in mirror, torch, Rubix cube and more. Browse the full selection here


This may seem obvious and a little cliche – but trust us. Mugs, flasks, travel cups and bottles are used frequently in the office and often, out of it too. Those personalised gym bottles? Told you so. When it comes to drinkware, there are options to suit any clientele, campaign or business genre.

Mugs – An office staple that are often taken for granted. Personalisation is a great way to keep these items in use for longer, widening your marketing reach at the same time.

Travel cups – Practicality is everything in our modern, busy lives. The collapsible silicone pocket cup is a versatile choice for those looking for a usable cup.

Eco-Friendly – If your mission is sustainability then eco-friendly drinkware is your friend.

Infuser bottles – With health and fitness forever trending, many are embracing a health kick at work. Infuser bottles make a stylish addition to your merchandising and allow the user to add fruit to the central body for added flavour.

View all drinkware here

I need the personal touch

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